Sandy Christmas
I ended up in Florida for Christmas week this year. Leaving sub arctic atmospheres and walking off the plane into humid room temperature outdoors put a smile on my face.
I knew God was my co-pilot but was pleased to see that Jesus ( pronouced hay-soose ) was literally "driving the bus" as we went to the rental car place and drove off in the sunset.

One of the nicest things about thawing your gizzard for the holidays was having slightly longer days with blue sky's and sunsets. I always take pictures of palm trees stretched out in the sky. Don't know why it never gets old.

I shouldn't have been surprised that everything in Daytona Beach was closed Christmas day except the cracked egg diner thanks to a few wonderful people that worked the holiday to have a regular Christmas feast with dressing, pie and everything you'd expect at home but not in a pizza place / beach diner.

The rest of the week we slept, had a drink or two, fed stingrays, slept, tried to go to JaiAlai ( one of my favorite sports to watch ) but they season in Orlando is now pushed back and starts after the first of the year, had a couple more drinks, slept more and... oh yeah, went to an airplane museum.

So does it blow anyone else's mind that people were flying around the world in a week only twenty years after the first model T came rolling off the assembly line?

Yikes, lunch break is over - back to work. No more captions. See Ya.

Fantasy of Flight, right? Love that were down near me! Glad you got a chance to thaw. So was it you that brought the snow flurries to Daytona?
Hey Pamie!
Yes, fantasy of Flight. We stayed in the middle of Orlando and snuck off to Cocoa Beach and Daytona a couple times. Snow flurries?! Yikes.
Sorry about that... I must've packed the wrong bags.
Looks like you had a lot of fun in the sun. Hope you are staying warm in 2008 back home.
Wish I could go to Florida. My aunt lives down there near Sarasota. Beautiful place. I too can't seem to get enough of photographing palm trees. I might have even mentioned my obsession on my blog at one point. Anywho...glad you had a good Christmas.
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