Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mr. Clean

Temps here were in the 90's for several days in a row and well... it's a new season in my life. I'm looking for a job, a new job in that I want to find a 9-5 instead of having my own business. Connie and I are selling our house and want to move closer into the city where we lived for many years.We're even trying to figure out if we should get a single family home, townhouse or condo ( no garage... yikes! ) New job, new neighborhood, new house, new lifestyle.

For some reason my inside brain activity wants to manifest itself on the outside and bring emotional and mental concepts into the tangible world. Combine all these together and I decided to shave my head. I liberated myself from my hair to cool off, to mark the end of something and the spark of something new... and so I didn't have to keep combing out gnarled bits and tangles from biking around all day in the sun and wind...

I can send you instruction on how to give yourself a dashing new doo like this one if you're interested.



At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks GREAT!

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

you do look like Mr.Clean but you need the ear ring : )

hope you find lots of new doors open to you and that the 9 to 5 doesn't drive you nuts : )

At 11:59 AM, Blogger wes said...

Oh Mom,

Are you hitting the blog again? It's a scalp only a mother could love...

At 12:02 PM, Blogger wes said...

Hey Melissa.

You know, I took our my ear rings for the businessy Jakarta trip and hadn't put them back in. I had them stretched out to I think an 6 or 8 gauge hole so they've probably shrunk a little.

Enjoy your summer... and Utah!

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Dee G said...

Gorgeous! Come here, you...

At 3:23 PM, Blogger mindakms said...

Ah, yeah, actually you just want to be Scott Shultz. Hair copiest!!!!

Good luck with the ongoing job hunt, I'm there myself dude.

At 10:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wishing you luck with those big life changes!

and I gotta say one other thing -


At 5:18 AM, Blogger CrashEffect.Paul said...

Hey man best of luck in your new endeavors.
Funny how similar my recent life changes have been to yours.
• Bought the Condo few months ago
• Got a 9-5 job (yesterday)
• Put the video self-employment on the shelf
• Trading in the Suzuki for a H-D Nightster
• um.. got a hair cut...
• ehh... hmmm.. I like toast?
Okay maybe not totally similar but the job thing is a big one.
Wishing you best of luck man.
After the dust of change settles let's go for a ride.

At 5:22 AM, Blogger CrashEffect.Paul said...

I remember when I first met you. Rebecca was giving you your giant 80's hawk. I was maybe 7 or 8 years old? Should of kept the 80's hawk for a day or two.


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